Amazon Transcribe (transcribe)


9 new actions | 30 updated actions, 3 updated conditions


  • CreateCallAnalyticsCategory
    • Description:  Grants permission to create an analytics category. Amazon Transcribe applies the conditions specified by your analytics categories to your call analytics jobs
    • Access:  Write
  • DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory
    • Description:  Grants permission to delete a call analytics category using its name from Amazon Transcribe
    • Access:  Write
  • DeleteCallAnalyticsJob
    • Description:  Grants permission to delete a previously submitted call analytics job along with any other generated results such as the transcription, models, and so on
    • Access:  Write
  • GetCallAnalyticsCategory
    • Description:  Grants permission to retrieve information about a call analytics category
    • Access:  Read
  • GetCallAnalyticsJob
    • Description:  Grants permission to return information about a call analytics job
    • Access:  Read
  • ListCallAnalyticsCategories
    • Description:  Grants permission to list call analytics categories that has been created
    • Access:  List
  • ListCallAnalyticsJobs
    • Description:  Grants permission to list call analytics jobs with the specified status
    • Access:  List
  • StartCallAnalyticsJob
    • Description:  Grants permission to start an asynchronous analytics job that not only transcribes the audio recording of a caller and agent, but also returns additional insights
    • Access:  Write
    • Dependents: 


  • UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory
    • Description:  Grants permission to update the call analytics category with new values. The UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request
    • Access:  Write


  • CreateLanguageModel
    • Old: Grants permission to create a new custom language model.
      New: Grants permission to create a new custom language model
  • CreateMedicalVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to create a new custom vocabulary that you can use to change the way Amazon Transcribe Medical handles transcription of an audio file.
      New: Grants permission to create a new custom vocabulary that you can use to change the way Amazon Transcribe Medical handles transcription of an audio file
  • CreateVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to create a new custom vocabulary that you can use to change the way Amazon Transcribe handles transcription of an audio file.
      New: Grants permission to create a new custom vocabulary that you can use to change the way Amazon Transcribe handles transcription of an audio file
  • DeleteLanguageModel
    • Old: Grants permission to delete a previously created custom language model.
      New: Grants permission to delete a previously created custom language model
  • DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob
    • Old: Grants permission to delete a previously submitted medical transcription job.
      New: Grants permission to delete a previously submitted medical transcription job
  • DeleteMedicalVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to delete a medical vocabulary from Amazon Transcribe.
      New: Grants permission to delete a medical vocabulary from Amazon Transcribe
  • DeleteTranscriptionJob
    • Old: Grants permission to delete a previously submitted transcription job along with any other generated results such as the transcription, models, and so on.
      New: Grants permission to delete a previously submitted transcription job along with any other generated results such as the transcription, models, and so on
  • DeleteVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to delete a vocabulary from Amazon Transcribe.
      New: Grants permission to delete a vocabulary from Amazon Transcribe
  • DeleteVocabularyFilter
    • Old: Grants permission to delete a vocabulary filter from Amazon Transcribe.
      New: Grants permission to delete a vocabulary filter from Amazon Transcribe
  • DescribeLanguageModel
    • Old: Grants permission to return information about a custom language model.
      New: Grants permission to return information about a custom language model
  • GetMedicalTranscriptionJob
    • Old: Grants permission to return information about a medical transcription job.
      New: Grants permission to return information about a medical transcription job
  • GetMedicalVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to get information about a medical vocabulary.
      New: Grants permission to get information about a medical vocabulary
  • GetTranscriptionJob
    • Old: Grants permission to return information about a transcription job.
      New: Grants permission to return information about a transcription job
  • GetVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to to get information about a vocabulary.
      New: Grants permission to to get information about a vocabulary
  • GetVocabularyFilter
    • Old: Grants permission to get information about a vocabulary filter.
      New: Grants permission to get information about a vocabulary filter
  • ListLanguageModels
    • Old: Grants permission to list custom language models.
      New: Grants permission to list custom language models
  • ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs
    • Old: Grants permission to list medical transcription jobs with the specified status.
      New: Grants permission to list medical transcription jobs with the specified status
  • ListMedicalVocabularies
    • Old: Grants permission to return a list of medical vocabularies that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, returns the entire list of vocabularies.
      New: Grants permission to return a list of medical vocabularies that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, returns the entire list of vocabularies
  • ListTranscriptionJobs
    • Old: Grants permission to list transcription jobs with the specified status.
      New: Grants permission to list transcription jobs with the specified status
  • ListVocabularies
    • Old: Grants permission to return a list of vocabularies that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, returns the entire list of vocabularies.
      New: Grants permission to return a list of vocabularies that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, returns the entire list of vocabularies
  • ListVocabularyFilters
    • Old: Grants permission to return a list of vocabulary filters that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, returns the at most 5 vocabulary filters.
      New: Grants permission to return a list of vocabulary filters that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, returns the at most 5 vocabulary filters
  • StartMedicalStreamTranscription
    • Old: Grants permission to start a protocol where audio is streamed to Transcribe Medical and the transcription results are streamed to your application.
      New: Grants permission to start a protocol where audio is streamed to Transcribe Medical and the transcription results are streamed to your application
  • StartMedicalStreamTranscriptionWebSocket
    • Old: Grants permission to start a WebSocket where audio is streamed to Transcribe Medical and the transcription results are streamed to your application.
      New: Grants permission to start a WebSocket where audio is streamed to Transcribe Medical and the transcription results are streamed to your application
  • StartMedicalTranscriptionJob
    • Old: Grants permission to start an asynchronous job to transcribe medical speech to text.
      New: Grants permission to start an asynchronous job to transcribe medical speech to text
  • StartStreamTranscription
    • Old: Grants permission to start a bidirectional HTTP2 stream to transcribe speech to text in real time.
      New: Grants permission to start a bidirectional HTTP2 stream to transcribe speech to text in real time
  • StartStreamTranscriptionWebSocket
    • Old: Grants permission to start a websocket stream to transcribe speech to text in real time.
      New: Grants permission to start a websocket stream to transcribe speech to text in real time
  • StartTranscriptionJob
    • Old: Grants permission to start an asynchronous job to transcribe speech to text.
      New: Grants permission to start an asynchronous job to transcribe speech to text
  • UpdateMedicalVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to update an existing medical vocabulary with new values. The UpdateMedicalVocabulary operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request.
      New: Grants permission to update an existing medical vocabulary with new values. The UpdateMedicalVocabulary operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request
  • UpdateVocabulary
    • Old: Grants permission to update an existing vocabulary with new values. The UpdateVocabulary operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request.
      New: Grants permission to update an existing vocabulary with new values. The UpdateVocabulary operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request
  • UpdateVocabularyFilter
    • Old: Grants permission to update an existing vocabulary filter with new values. The UpdateVocabularyFilter operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request.
      New: Grants permission to update an existing vocabulary filter with new values. The UpdateVocabularyFilter operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request
  • transcribe:OutputBucketName
    • Old: Enables you to control access based on the output bucket name included in the request
      New: Filters access based on the output bucket name included in the request
  • transcribe:OutputEncryptionKMSKeyId
    • Old: Enables you to control access based on the KMS key id included in the request
      New: Filters access based on the KMS key id included in the request
  • transcribe:OutputKey
    • Old: Enables you to control access based on the output key included in the request
      New: Filters access based on the output key included in the request