AWS IoT Greengrass V2 (greengrassv2)


5 new actions, 1 new resource


  • AssociateServiceRoleToAccount
    • Description:  Grants permission to associate a role with your account. AWS IoT Greengrass uses this role to access your Lambda functions and AWS IoT resources
    • Access:  Permissions management
    • Dependents: 


  • DisassociateServiceRoleFromAccount
    • Description:  Grants permission to disassociate the service role from an account. Without a service role, deployments will not work
    • Access:  Write
  • GetConnectivityInfo
    • Description:  Grants permission to retrieve the connectivity information for a Greengrass core device
    • Access:  Read
    • Resources: 

      Name: connectivityInfo

      Required: Yes

    • Dependents: 


  • GetServiceRoleForAccount
    • Description:  Grants permission to retrieve the service role that is attached to an account
    • Access:  Read
  • UpdateConnectivityInfo
    • Description:  Grants permission to update the connectivity information for a Greengrass core. Any devices that belong to the group that has this core will receive this information in order to find the location of the core and connect to it
    • Access:  Write
    • Resources: 

      Name: connectivityInfo

      Required: Yes

    • Dependents: 



  • connectivityInfo
    • Arn:  arn:${Partition}:greengrass:${Region}:${Account}:/greengrass/things/${ThingName}/connectivityInfo